Side Effects of Omega 3 Supplements
The side effects of omega 3 supplements are exactly why you need to be taking them. What? That doesn’t seem to make much sense. Well read on and I’ll explain.
Usually we think of side effects as something we want to avoid. And we’re usually right. However, that’s not the case when it comes to omega 3 supplements. These side effects are positive, healthy ones.
For example, research on fish oil with the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA has suggested that these essential fatty acids may make a positive difference for people of all ages and in all health situations. Let’s review just a few.
Omega 3 Fish Oil and Blood Pressure
Many studies have been done on the effect of omega 3 supplements on lowering cholesterol and in turn, lowering blood pressure. Time and time again, the results suggested that the omega 3 oils may be helpful in lower cholesterol, getting rid of fat in the blood and removing plaque from the arteries. When all of these things happen, blood pressure goes down naturally.
Omega 3 Fish Oil and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A study done in England suggested that children who received omega 3 fish oil supplements for 6 months might have a better chance of testing higher in reading and spelling skills than children who were not on the supplements. Interestingly enough, the children in the study had already been reported as kids with behavioral, social and learning difficulties.
How are the side effects of omega 3 supplements looking to you now? Not bad for side effects! As far as I can tell, there aren’t really any side effects from taking omega 3 fish oil – just positive health benefits that last a lifetime.
Get started on Salmon Oil Plus today. It’s the best omega 3 oil available anywhere.
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