Omega 3 Oil Has Amazing Benefits
Omega 3 oil that’s balanced and complete has amazing benefits.
And if you want all the extraordinary omega 3 oil results proven by research, there are things you need to know.
After all, it’s one thing for a company to promise benefits and another for them to deliver. Omega 3 oil is a “buyer beware” market.
But science tells us everything we need to know to protect ourselves – especially when it’s backed by peer reviewed research. This makes science far more reliable than advertising copy.
Basically science tells us there are two categories of omega 3 oil – those that are already preformed into long-chain omega 3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, and those that our body must convert into long-chain omega 3 fatty acids.
The first group, fish oil, is readily available to your body and requires no extra effort for utilization. The second group, flax and perilla oils, requires a complex, inefficient conversion process before the ALA can “theoretically” be converted into usable DHA and EPA.
Omega 3 fish oil from salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies have been proven over and over again to be the best omega 3 source.
Whether the studies are done in a lab, through a double blind, placebo controlled experiment, as a meta-analysis or through scientific observation, the benefits of pure fish oil fatty acids are far greater than those of flax or perilla.
You’ll find an isolated study here and there done by promoters of flax ALA, but when you weigh that against the volumes of overwhelming fish oil evidence, it loses all credibility.
For example, over 95% of the studies that have proven the benefits use fish oil – not flax or perilla. Secondly, the studies that support flax are very limited and rarely point out the many conversion difficulties of ALA to DHA and EPA.
Most flaxseed users are shocked to find that research studies show only between a half of 1% to 2% of flax oil ALA will convert to the fatty acids needed by the human body. Other variables of diet, digestion and lifestyle make the conversion even less efficient for some.
The Flax Council of Canada (the largest producer of flax) now has to admit, “Clearly ALA conversion is more complex than was originally thought.” And this goes for perilla too. Just like flax, it contains only ALA. So where does this leave you in your quest for better health?
It simply means this: If you’re looking to optimize your health – fast and easily, then you need to eat more oily cold-water fish and supplement your diet with high quality omega 3 supplements.
For verification just go back to the science to find out more about the consistent health benefits of fatty acids from fish.
You’ll see that fish oil fatty acids are important for your cardiovascular system, respiratory system, reproductive system, nervous system and immune system.
Preformed fish fatty acids are just what your body wants and needs.
Pure and balanced supplements, containing all 8 omega 3 fatty acids that are important to human health, will give you the consistent results promised – and then some!
Our Guarantee – We offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Simply return the original bottle for an exchange or full refund.
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HWW Enterprise Group
353 Carolina Mtn. Dr. #188
Franklin, NC 28734