Omega 3 Information
Tips To Make The Best Choice
Tip # 1 Make sure your oil has balanced EPA and DHA.
Studies that prove the amazing Omega 3 results are based on fish oils with a natural balance of all 8 Omega 3 family members. Some marketers may try to fool you into thinking you can get the same benefits with Omega 3 flaxseed, evening primrose or borage oils. But none of these contain EPA or DHA or all the other Omega 3s found in fish. They only contain ALA.Then these companies tell you that your body will make EPA and DHA from the ALA. But, in reality, a body in need of Omega-3 is incapable of the hard work it takes to manufacture enough EPA and DHA.
Tip # 2 Buy only pure, clean potent Omega-3.
You may have read about contaminants in Omega-3 fish. Should you be concerned about these toxins getting into your fish oil supplements?
The answer is yes and no. Some pollutants like mercury are water soluble. Mercury might therefore be in the fish you eat, but it would be left behind with proper fish oil extraction. This means a well-made Omega-3 capsule would be mercury free.
However, other toxins, including PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyl) and PBDE’s (polybrominated diphenyl ether) have been found in fish oil supplements. Toxins build up in the liver, guts and heads of the fish. That’s why you want to be absolutely sure your Omega-3 fish oil supplement is well-formulated using only the flesh of wild fish from pure clean waters. So, make certain the company says (in print) that it uses only clean flesh.
Tip # 3 Get Naturally Pure and Balanced Omega-3
Many companies sell “pharmaceutical grade fish oil.” But, that’s just hype. The truth is the U.S.P. (United States Pharmacopeia) has no standards for fish oil.
Most commercial companies claiming to have “pharmaceutical grade fish oils” take whatever junk fish that comes up in the net and highly process it to remove as many toxins as possible to produce a product that’s basically just one step away from cat food or fish fertilizer.
In recent studies, one third of the fish oil products tested didn’t even contain the amounts of EPA and DHA listed on their labels. And, out of 44 different brands (all claiming to be pure), many were found to contain appreciable quantities of PCB’s, pesticides and other toxins.
You can’t fool Mother Nature. No matter how much it’s promoted as a benefit, molecular distillation (not to be confused with “molecular differentiation”) or any kind of detoxification process damages the fish oil molecule. It also changes the natural EPA and DHA ratio, weakening the nutritional value of the oil. So, these denatured products don’t work. That’s why Peggy, even though she had tried other products, never got her amazing omega 3 benefits until she started using Omega-3 Salmon Oil.
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HWW Enterprise Group
353 Carolina Mtn. Dr. #188
Franklin, NC 28734