Fish With Omega 3 Oils For Better Health
Eating fish with omega 3 oils is one of the best things you can do for your health. These fish are high in protein, iron and vitamin B12 and very low in saturated fat. And, they provide all of the health benefits that you get from a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
How do you know which fish have omega 3 oils? That’s a good question and we’ll help you sort it out.
There are two different types of fish – fatty and lean. The fatty fish are the ones that you’ll want to include in your diet since they contain the most omega 3 oils.
These fatty fish – salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel – can contain 30 times more of the omega 3 oils than lean fish do. Examples of lean fish are cod, halibut, shellfish and fresh water fish.
So why do you need these omega 3 fish oils? Well, the list of possible benefits goes on and on. It starts with conception and goes on to touch on pregnancy, brain development and childhood conditions like asthma, juvenile diabetes and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Then, we proceed to the scientific studies that suggest that a diet rich in fish with omega 3 oils may help some people to prevent heart attack, stroke and diabetes.
And, as if that’s not enough, studies have also looked at the relationship of omega 3 oils and arthritis, emphysema, colitis, irritable bowel, bursitis and many more inflammatory conditions.
This is why the American Heart Association is now recommending daily fish oil supplements for those at risk of heart disease. I don’t know about you, but unless someone has eaten a totally pristine and healthy diet for their entire life, I’d consider everyone “at risk” of heart disease.
Going along with the American Heart Association, many other nutrition and health organizations are also recommending that everyone get at least two servings of fish with omega 3 oils a week. If that’s not possible, daily omega 3 fish oil supplements are your only other option.
Are you getting enough omega 3 oils in your diet? Salmon Oil Plus may be your answer.
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353 Carolina Mtn. Dr. #188
Franklin, NC 28734