Bipolar Omega 3 Fish Oil Research
When fishing for bipolar omega 3 research, we come up with a boatload.
So why do professionals who treat bipolar ignore omega 3 and choose to prescription drugs with serious side effects? It doesn’t make much sense when you know the facts.
Bipolar omega 3 research makes it clear that this natural solution is the way to go. It’s much safer and, in the long run, it works much better as a treatment for bipolar.
The bipolar omega 3 fish oil link is discovered.
In 1996 a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared depression in ten different countries. There were extreme differences.
For example, whereas 1.5 out of every 100 adults in Taiwan experiences depression in their lifetimes, the statistics for depression are 19 out of every 100 adults in Beirut.
Then in 1998 a study published in The Lancet compared these statistics with fish consumption in those same countries. Researchers found the more fish a population eats, the less depression they experienced on the whole. And vice versa.
But what about research relating specifically to bipolar?
In 2003 a similar study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. But this time researchers studied bipolar disorder and fish consumption.
Once again they found the more fish a population eats the less bipolar they experience.
According to the author, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln of the National Institute of Health, the high incidence of bipolar in the U.S. makes perfect sense. “In the last century, diets have radically changed and we eat grossly fewer omega-3 fatty acids now. We also know that rates of depression have radically increased by perhaps a hundred-fold.”
Numerous studies have shown the same positive results.
There’s more research than I can cover here. But all valid studies show that people who get less fish oil have significantly more depression and bipolar and those who get more fish oil have less mental disorders. Here are a few examples.
• Depression is 60 times higher in New Zealand, where the average fish consumption is 40 pounds a year compared to Japan, where it’s 150 pounds a year.
• Postpartum depression is 50 times higher in countries with low levels of fish intake.
• An Israeli study of 20 patients with major depression found fish oil fatty acids resulted in “highly significant benefits” by week three compared to a placebo.
• In a study of 70 depressed patients who had not responded to any other treatments, those receiving one gram of fish oil did “dramatically better” than the placebo group.
• A National Institute of Health study tracked 14,541 women from week eight of pregnancy to eight months after giving birth and found that those receiving no fish fatty acids had twice the rate of depression as those who consumed fish oil daily.
• A Finnish National Cancer Institute survey of 29,133 Finnish men showed those with the highest intake of fish fatty acids had far less “depressed moods, major depressive episodes and suicide” than those with the least.
Many experts recommend getting your omega 3 fish oil daily dosage from fish oil capsules – like Salmon Oil Plus – over a diet of cold water fish, because of the danger of toxic chemicals, such as PCBs, and heavy metals, such as mercury.
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