We all have times when we’re under exceptional emotional or physical stress and everyone has felt depressed at one point or another. That’s only normal.
But “Depression,” characterized by long-term sadness or despair, is diagnosed when the condition becomes severe and interferes with the ability to cope with everyday pressures of life.
Bipolar or manic-depression is characterized by extreme back-and-forth swings from euphoric highs to unbearable lows.
Depression can become very serious if left untreated.
However, before resorting to mood altering drugs, which all have severe side effects, it may be a good idea to explore lifestyle changes including stress reduction, good nutrition, supplementation (especially with omega 3 fish oil), exercise and other avenues first.
Here’s are some changes that may help alleviate the symptoms of depression:
Start making changes for a healthier lifestyle. Decrease stress, exercise regularly, do more things you enjoy, drink plenty of clean water and, if you smoke, stop.
Surround yourself with supportive, fun, happy people.
Avoid things that knowingly upset you. Cancel your newspaper. Turn off your TV. Read things that make you feel good. Create interesting projects that keep you focused and involved.
Also avoid processed foods, sweets, caffeine, alcohol, etc.
Change your diet to a whole food program. Eat organically grown whole grains, free-ranging meats and plenty of fresh omega 3 fish with DHA and EPA, plus lots of colorful vegetables and fresh fruit.
Keep fat consumption below 30% of your calories. Make sure the fats you do eat are health essential fatty acids and omega 3 oils from fish.
Above all, increase your intake of high quality essential fatty acids and good oils. Especially add plenty of omega 3 fish oil with DHA for the extraordinary fish oil health benefits, since studies on fish oil has suggested that they may be beneficial for some depression sufferers.
Salmon Oil Plus is the first step on your road of self help for anxiety and depression. Get started today!
Our Guarantee – We offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Simply return the original bottle for an exchange or full refund.
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HWW Enterprise Group
353 Carolina Mtn. Dr. #188
Franklin, NC 28734